All these warriors together figure out that this modern-day world is full of tyrants and is determined to get rid of it and free the people. Along the way, Shimzau also finds a lot of warriors who join him. Soon enough, he discovers that his new world is full of a lot of fantastic beasts and people. When he wakes up, he finds himself in a corridor that consists of hundreds of doors on either side. The plot of the show follows the story of Shimazu Toyohisa, who is from the middle ages but is transported to a modern-day parallel world. The English-dubbed episodes of the show are available for the fans to watch on Funimation. Drifters TV-MA 2016 Action/Adventure, Fantasy dub, sub 0 Season Before dying, samurai Shimazu Toyohisa is sent to another world where he joins the Drifters and is pitted against other great warriors. Are English-Dubbed Episodes Of The Drifters Available? sobat batchkun, nih yang sedang mencari cari anime batch nanatsu no taizai untuk season 1 sudah ane. For twelve proud warriors, each bearing a name from the Chinese Zodiac, they’ll prepare to fight in a bloody battle royal. The time has come for the Twelve Tournamentheld every twelve years. Funimation revealed the English dub cast for its broadcast dub of the Drifters television anime on Thursday. What makes matters even worse is the fact that the three OVA episodes have already covered almost half of Volume 5. Despite the show's renewal, we may still need to wait for new volumes to release before we can expect season 2 to begin production. Fall 2017 3.39 out of 5 from 5,894 votes Rank 8,025 For one wish, they’ll risk it all. Josh Grelle, Robert McCollum, Justin Briner star in dub premiering Sunday. This clearly isn't enough for a whole new season. The first season covered four of those volumes, which leaves two more. At the moment of this writing, there are only six volumes.

Even though the show has been renewed for a second season in 2016, no development has happened that has taken the series forward. The main reason for the delay could be the lack of content. 1 Spotlight The Legendary Hero Is Dead TV 23m HD 12 9 12 Far to the north of the world lies Hells Gate, a portal formerly used by the Demon Lord to invade the human realm. At the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Toyohisa Shimazu is the rearguard for his retreating troops, and is critically wounded when he suddenly finds himself in a modern, gleaming white hallway. No release date for the show is available as of now.